Cammack Estates wants to donate up to $750 to your family to help cover whatever is most helpful for you.
Your mortgage, rent, or utilities is on us.
This goes for past due and/or future payments. We want to cover whatever is most helpful to you!
Payments will be made directly to utility companies. Account details are required once selected.
(Utilities include heat, electricity, or water)

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who is eligible to apply?
A: Anyone living in the United States of America who could use an extra hand. The COVID-19 pandemic has created many crisis’s in our communities and we are looking to provide assistance where we can.
Q: What is the timeline?
A: We’re accepting applications today, Monday, November 30th, 2020, until Sunday, December 6th, 2020. We will announce the winner on Monday, December 7th, 2020.
Q: How will you be paying my utility bills?
A: We will be collecting utility account information (company names, phone numbers, and account numbers), as well as the specific amounts needed to be paid or prepaid so that we can call in payments to your utility companies. If you with to prioritize certain bills over others up to $750, please note that in the form.